Installation Instructions for DamageProfiler

JAR file

The tool can be downloaded from DamageProfiler’s GitHub page. After downloading the JAR file, you can start the application via double click on most operating systems (OSX, Windows, and Linux). If not, please either install Java 11 or higher on your workstation:

sudo apt install default-jdk

or make the file executable:

sudo chmod u+x DamageProfiler-1.0.jar


For easy installation, DamageProfiler is also available as a bioconda package and can be installed with one of the following

On Ubuntu:

conda install -c bioconda damageprofiler
conda install -c bioconda/label/cf201901 damageprofiler

At the moment, only DamageProfiler version 0.4.9 is available via bioconda.

Old releases

Old releases can be found at GitHub.